Thursday, September 11, 2014

I may be out of a job….

If you haven’t heard CCP handed out Bans yesterday and from what I’m hearing CODE was decimated. I was waiting for Minerbumping to make an official statement. I think James 315’s head may have exploded trying to figure out a way to spin this. I expect him to blame Ripard Teg for EVERYTHING.

I want you to understand that what I’m posting isn’t official in anyway. What I’m reporting comes from CODE insiders and reddit posts which I will be linking. I was told that right before yesterday’s DT the bans took effect.

The following appeared on the EVE forums yesterday after DT. (You can click on the images to see them larger)
Here’s the link << click

I find the comments in the Forums to be like FOX/FAUX News. The President makes a statement and for hours people argue over what he said. CCP Falcon made one further comment.
Let me say I love the irony in this.  James was singing CCP Falcons praises not so long ago and declaring him a supporter of the CODE. You can read it HERE. Wonder how much James 315 Loves CCP Falcon NOW? Karma is a real bitch, ain’t she James?

Several posts appeared on reddit, here’s the LINK.

It seems that people who involved themselves in Bonus Rooms were permabanned from EVE. If you’re not familiar with what a BONUS ROOM  is, please click HERE.

I’m hoping that MB will post an official list of who is gone. At this time reports vary. I know people like D400, Jerry Rin, Bob Starseeker, and Fighter Jets Guitar Solo are gone from the game. I was told that DJ was banned, but after contacting DJ, that report proved to be false. (Sorry Kalynn)

I want to make one further statement. I’ve seen some people crying about what CCP has done in the past. I’ve played this game for 7 years and I’ve learned in RL that when new management comes in, new polices take effect. EVE has changed a lot over the years and so has CCP. I support what CCP Falcon said. RL harassment has no place in eve.

Fly Safe Highsec!


  1. Well well well. The shadows of Erotica 1's past have come home to roost. Too bad that DJ wasn't banned. By his apparent mental defects, the game, and real life would be alot safer if he was subjected to reality for awhile.

  2. also may want to look at this link as well. It's another post by CCP Falcon.

  3. CONCORD decommissions criminal pilot ships in HiSec for crimes committed in empire space against law-abiding capsuleers.

    The consequence here is the financial loss of the ship used to commit the crime. Undeterred, the criminal pilot will jump into another ship.

    CCP has decommissioned the toons of those who play EVE for sadistic enjoyment - as indicated here by the griefing and trolling of players outside of the sandbox.

    Here the consequences are the loss of millions of skill points, and perhaps, the assets of the toon.

    But do not rejoice too long, as Erotica 1 is already advising the permabanned toons to discretely create new accounts, to rejoin, and redouble their psychopathic mission of griefing and trolling.

    Yes... Psychopathic, for they see nothing wrong with their actions.

    Many will return under new names.
    This won't be the last blanket ban.

    Too many cannot determine right from wrong, as you see the forums filled with self-righteous indignation, rage, and troll tears, begging CCP to tell them exactly how far to the edge of the Cliffs of Troll and the Precipice of Grief, they can dangle their victims off the Ledge of Rage Quit.

    You see.. They can't tell when they've gone to far. Their morality and sense of common decency is deficient.

    EVE is a sandbox.
    There be unrepentant pirates and thieves here, and that is expected.
    Fierce competition is also expected. Death, as clones, will be met as often as the sun rises on the ocean shores of Uedama. Financial loss may come through violent means in the cruel void of space, or through misplaced trust in a corp mate.

    But sadistic, psychopathic activities, by those too mentally bent, incapable of knowing when lines are crossed, cannot be tolerated long... without harsh consequences.

    For those toons who fiercely question your ban, I ask, what is so broken within you that you participated in and enjoyed this banned activity?

    1. Excellent Thomas, very intelligent article and well written. You covered everyone but loyalanon, more commonly known as loyalamoron. He has a Narcissistic Personality Disorder and probably the most mentally ill out of all of code.


    Can someone graft James 315 face onto this??

  5. You guys never learn. The Code ALWAYS Wins!!!!!!!

  6. Durrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr my name is Wolf aka Loyalamoron - a load of code got permabanned and we are known forever as the AT cowards but I am so dumb that I claim it is win.

    Yeahhhhh but really I am weeping like a baby, whining in forums and having rage fits because my brain hasn't matured past 12 yet lawl..........

  7. So you don't have any official notice of who got banned (and you never will), but your going to guess and post names. Lame. There are far more agents left to enforce The Code. The CODE always wins! AG will NEVER win. EVER.

    1. Thanks for your fail troll. I know as code always lie about everything, when I see code posting : "The Code Always wins" what they are really saying is "CODE ALWAYS FAILS". Must be something Jinny taught you guys

  8. Yeah load of code getting permabanned is a win for code LMAO. Names who got throw are common knowledge and the tears and whining are epic so thanks for yours dirwulf :)

    Also you might want to check your code, apparently you are supposed to be fighting all of High Sec and not AG. Your only war with AG is your rage and jealously at them from what I can tell :)))) More tears please!!

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