Monday, September 22, 2014

Breaking News

Some of you may have never heard of Butthurt Miner but he’s the KING TROLL over at and he’s also a special correspondent for Gankerbumping.

Over the past months of writing Gankerbumping and poking fun at CODE, Butthurt has been instrumental on getting me inside info on James 315 and CODE. What the folks at Minerbumping don’t realize is that Butthurt is also an accomplished master spy

He’s infiltrated CODE headquarters many times and even used James toilet. Butthurt has admitted to me he likes to use the curtains in James' bedroom as TP. I'm scared to think about what else he’s been up to…

I recently received a package from Butthurt with info on JAMES 315 and Code I’d like to share with my readers. I’ve long suspected that James doesn’t actually write his own blog anymore and Butthurt has finally gotten me proof.

The following is footage of James 315’s Blog being written and it’s obviously NOT James 315.

Butthurt also got amazing footage of James 315 ACTUALLY UNDOCKING from Kino. This is a rare event indeed!

They may not appreciate Butthurt Miner over at Minerbumping. But we at Gankerbumping love him.

Thanks for the amazing rare images BM!


  1. Ok, I will admit that the rocket powered ass looks cool. What a great way to get around. No traffic jams, no waiting at lights. Just blue skies!

    I'm curious to know if you have you done a cost analysis regarding gasoline and beans? Is this form of transport sustainable? The people want to know!

  2. Poppi aka Rabe or whoever - here we go again you pretending not to be code but firing insults. You wish you were BM, that would increase your intelligence by 5000%, lose you 300 lbs, get rid of your severe depression and get you a girlfriend - ROFLMAO

    1. Oh guys, it´s just so hillarious. How long do you think it will take, until someone accuses me of beeing loyalanons alt? Or even james alt? I think it won´t take long.
      However, back to the BM topic... I think I would rather stand in front of a bull, waving a red flag instead of beeing BM. What exactly is the point in posting some terrible content, combined with porn links and pictures of some man showing his ass? Can you help me get the point? Butthurt Miner (who is in my opinion DrysonBennington ingame) is probably the most unfunny person I ever saw posting something....
      Fly safe o/ (Yes also you BM)
      Poppi Starfox

    2. Lmao, Poppi , from what I’ve seen there isn’t much I do that you DO like. But oh well.
      I know a lot may not get Butthurt’s humor but he cracks me up. I’m pretty sure it was him posting about breeding m&m’s and I’ve been laughing about that for days now.

      From my perspective BM has decided to be an aggravating, huge pain in the ass to the Minerbumping crowd and he does it anyway he can, whether it be posting weird crap or inane silly posts just to get a rise out of ppl over there.

      Let me put it another way. I see Butthurt as Bart Simpson and James 315 as Homer. I’ve been hearing “D’oh’s” come out of Kino for MONTHS and I’ve been laughing the whole time.

    3. Thanks Gorila for your answer, the posting with the m&m´s, that you mentioned was pretty nice, that´s right. And yes, you are right, he IS a pain in the ass for everyone on minerbumping. And that´s exactly the reason why you like him. And if that´s ok for you to have him as a troll for you....well fine. However, I don´t agree with his posting, just because I don´t like this brainless HAHAHAROLFXDDDDD posting he does. It´s just like you said. You like what I don´t like....

      Fly safe o/
      Poppi Starfox

    4. The M&M post and all similar posts were done by me and not some idiot miner guy lol. The Code always wins.

    5. Ok anonymous, ok. I slowly realise, that it is no use, trying to make you open your eyes. One last try: I think it is very interesting, that BM uses almost the same expressions in his fail trolling posts, then dryson does in his tearmails after beeing ganked. His reaction in local to someone trying to teach miners, how to properly fit their ship also fits very well to the intelligence of BM, which is - according to his fail troll posts - not that high...

      Fly safe o/
      Poppi Starfox

    6. So.. Jerry gets arrested for trying to gank James refrigerator, and now shows up here trying to take credit for the M&M post.

      Naw Jerry. I ain't believing it.. you aren't the only one who posts in all caps :P....and the CODE always whines, get it straight ;)

    7. Ploppi - again you show you are code, an onlooker would not know that information. My conclusion is that you are Rabe and so totally delusional and an idiot. If that is the case then it is very hypocritical that you are making remarks about someones intelligence when you are severely deluded. BM is way superior to you in every way so get off your high horse because you are sounding very stupid.

      Jerry Rin aka spambot congrats on your PERMABAN (I know you like CAPS LOL) Btw - corrected that for you, the code ALWAYS WHINES

    8. Someone posted the one about breeding m&ms and it wasn't me. If it was me, I would have put my name on it.

      Since we are on the subject, I think that Poppi Starfox is actually Capt. Starfox. I have though that for awhile. Big difference between what I do on minerbumping and what I do in real life. If you must know, I work as an electrical engineer specializing in both power and digital electronics. I have also done work in data acquisition and control systems utilizing DSPs, which is also known as digital signal processors. My minor study is computer science.

    9. May I explain something to you? What you just don´t seem to get is that there are not only two parties in Highsec. Not only the CODE. and you guys who are fighting the CODE.. Why? Well let´t say CODE. has got with all it´s agents and other guys something around 300 members. I don´t know how much you guys are, but I will say something around 150 members. Now, how many people are usually in Jita? At least 1000. But you guys think that in highsec there is only CODE. and you, the guys who are against CODE.. Let me tell you something. At least 80% of highsec is not one of those two parties. I can say the same for me. Just beeing a ganker doesn´t mean you are a CODE. member. There are so many gankers out there. Pirates, Miner, guys from nullsec.... Not every ganker is a CODE. guy. And yes I do have a ganking alt. And yes I gankes miners. But I never tried to sell any permits or other crap. When I ganked miners, it was because I was bored or my corp started another ganking operation. If you belive this or not, as always, your decission.
      And BM: A big thank you to you that you made my expectations come true. So now I am Rabe and Cpt. Starfox? Who is going to come next? Loyalanon? DJ? James? I think it is going to be one of those. You guys are just so predictable...

      Fly safe o/
      Poppi Starfox

    10. Well anonymous, as far as I am concerned, Dryson is a very well respected Eve player among you guys. So I say that BM is Dryson, and you call this an accusion? Well, that´s anonymous logic... And now you tell me of course that you knew all day long that I am a ganker. You knew it of course already before I started posting here. Hey of course you knew it already before you were even born. All of your parents and grandparents knew it already.... The last thing your grandmother told your mother must had been something like: "Remember, that Poppi Starfox is a ganker..." Do you actually have any kind of self respect or something like this left? I don´t think so....

      Fly safe o/
      Poppi Starfox

    11. LMAO Ploppi aka Rabe has a totally meltdown and you know nothing as usual. Dryson is OK but he isn't BM and that is fact but any imbecile would know that but not you LOL Also he isn't that respected, yes he can organize people but he isn't on the same level as people like Sarah Flynt, Jennifer En Marland etc

      LOL You were conceived? I thought were a piece of cow sh*t that grew into a ganker just like the rest of code - my apologies ROFLMAO

    12. So you say that Dryson, who was even featured in the first post of this blog is not an important person? I really don´t think so, especially since he is - apart from Jennifer en Marland and Gorila - the only person about whom I heard something... But that´s not really that important.
      And btw I will send you 100 isk if you give me a proff that cow shit can grow into a ganker....

      Fly safe o/
      Poppi Starfox

  3. Really now?

    You are just pissed that I make you guys look like fools on your own blog. That Kino station should be quarantined. That tentacle monster there has left its secretions all over the place. It's not healthy. But then again, the Cowards of CODE like to wallow in filth, so it is no wonder they don't clean up after it.

  4. #EVEBreakingNews
    *James sleeping with baseball bat under bed now*
    Following the latest incursion in Kino over the weekend, James 315 - ponzi scheme artist and monastic station hermit - told supporters Monday that he is taking extra safety precautions by now sleeping with a baseball bat under his bed. "We live in a dangerous galaxy, and it's important to be prepared to protect CODE's family jewels, referring to his oddly glowing posterior. "If I hear anybody trying to dock, it's a relief to know that I can just reach under the bed and give them a reason to think twice about ever coming back to Kino. I know Mr. Pickles sleeps a lot more easily now that I've got this piece of lumber by my side", said James as he stroked a stuffed Fedo doll. While James said he hopes to never use the weapon, he admitted he received a scare Sunday night when he tiptoed into the kitchen after hearing noises. After several wild swings and high pitched screaming, James found Jerry Rin crumpled, unconscious and twitching on the floor. It was later learned that Rin, recently unemployed and without a pilot license, had come to gank James' refrigerator. CONCORD was called to remove the Cheetoh dust-covered Rin, and charged him with breaking and entering without a permit, his third offense this week.

    1. ROFL.. damn Thomas, You snuck up on me with that one..
      here I am having my morning coffee, checking comments, read yours and Ii almost choked LOLOLOL.

      Mr Pickles huh?? LMAO.

      Thomas... Youve just been hired as a special correspondent for Gankerbumping ;)

    2. Well Thomas, you are just a thousand times better than BM. That one was really really funny. Hopefully, I will see you soon posting on Minerbumping :D

      Fly safe o/
      Poppi Starfox

  5. As much as I'd like to enjoy someone mocking CODE's self-important roleplaying, Butthurt Miner and others like him are just embarrassing. This middleschool humour just makes you look even more pathetic than James' unimaginative bandwagoneers.

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