Saturday, August 9, 2014

Restraint and Integrity???

Welcome back to Gankerbumping. It’s would seem that CODE considers me shutting down my blog as a “Victory”. Well, FUCK THAT because everyone in High Sec knows a CODE “Victory” means lies, a ton of deceit, driving players from the game and NO human compassion. Over the past couple of months I've seen CODE members claim they are winning Eve. It’s like watching a 17 year old who can’t get out of the 2rd grade strutting around the playground picking on smaller kids and patting himself on the back for being a douchebag. It’s ridiculous and damn sad.

I refuse to let CODE dictate to me how and when I’ll play the game.

James is claiming the following on Minerbumping:  “I am continually impressed by the measured restraint and integrity shown each and every day by New Order Agents.

Oh really James? The rest of us are “often repulsed by the lack of restraint and absolute lack of integrity shown each and every day by New Order Agents."

Case in point; I landed in Uedama to shoot CODE last night and Conference Elite member Zane Arnolles used his alt Ricky Estemaire to troll me about a personal loss. Several surprisingly “new” toons appeared in local to do the same. So much for the integrity James is claiming his agents have.

Something I thought I should share. I received an eve mail from one of the Code Diplomats. Here’s 2 paragraph’s I think you should see.

At this time DJ and I realized we couldn't work out any sort of compromise. Our efforts were in vain and whatever relationship we tried to have with the WK community had demised. We also determined players shouldn't be held responsible to police other player’s comments anyway; all communities included shouldn't be held responsible, not just NO. With that said, it was a mistake for us to try and have Gorila police Fallen and likewise it was a mistake that Gorila agreed and attempted to police Fallen. And, just recently, it was our mistake to try and police Tasku.

We are responsible for our own actions and we are already held accountable through CCP. There will always be random shit talking, we all participate in it and it can be fun, but anything that goes "too far" should be immediately petitioned and placed in the hands of CCP to deal with; that's one of the reasons why CCP is here.

Funny how they say it was a mistake that I AGREED to police Fallen Seal. Let me straighten this out. I agreed to NOTHING.I was given NO choice about Fallen. Code and its supporters tried to crucify me at every turn over fallen seals actions. From where I stand the above is just more CODE hypocrisy.

I will be using CCP to file petitions from now on. I’m asking the AG Community to no longer respond to any of Code’s tasteless taunts in local. Just submit petitions over any action you believe violates the EULA. It’s what I’ll be doing. The ONLY thing I posted last night in local was a link which I titled “Gorilas message to Loyalmoron”. The link is HERE.

The following got posted at me last night in local as well.

I found it rather amusing. What I did find surprising was how honest Code was being with the image when I noticed this..

To the pilots who showed in Uedama last night to shoot CODE I have to say thanks. I can honestly say CODE's ganking operations didn't go as they planned. They also called it quits rather early. I'm sure those fools will claim we had nothing to do with it, but as everyone knows... CODE LIES.

Fly Safe High Sec.

Fly Safe High Sec.

Look what I found sitting in my eve mailbox ....

From: Loyalanon
Sent: 8/9/2014 4:39:00 PM
Hi Guys,
As you are probably aware - Vengaza is back and most likely going to whine about the NO/Code in anyway possible.
Just be mindful of what you say in Local etc as he will use anything against you to try and get you banned - he tried on me and failed so whatever.
Just remember and I quote Vengaza Directly -
- Everyone has an entitlement to an opinion
- There exists free speech
So saying that, if you want to make him cry then by all means do it.
I personally wont be saying anything in local unless he says anything but we will see.
Let the tears begin.

Guess loyal isn’t as beloved by his fellow gankers as he thinks. Could it be his toxic personality? Maybe it’s because he runs his mouth before he thinks?

Yes, everyone has an entitlement to an opinion. Don’t forget some “Anonymous” poster said crap about loyal’s kids. I said NOTHING about loyals kids. But as usual loyal will do anything to smear antiganking and myself. Lying is second nature to him.


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