Saturday, August 16, 2014

Weekend Edition

First, Sorry for taking so long to update. Right now looks like the weekends may be the only time I have to update the blog so please bear with me. I just saw that some asshat named “Code Compliant” comment on the Minorhumping blog that I've left the game. I didn't know that I hired that moron to be my Public Relations Agent…But let’s get started.

Guybertini is a Code Monkey who has been featured on Minerbumping in the past. James 315 even once wrote “Guybertini is a good guy”. As we all know that if James’ mouth is moving he is LYING, so take James’ statement how you will. If you are familiar with the Everyshore region you know “Goobertini” VERY well. It seems Goober’s mom lets him out of his cage every night around 1:00 eve time and he undocks and starts torturing the poor unarmed mining barges in Everyshore  for 3 to 4 hours a day, 7 days a week.

I just happened to be in Everyshore last week sitting cloaked in an ice field playing “Bush Ninja”when the damnest thing happened. Goober had his Alt “Uncle Flacco” in the ice field trying to torture a new player by the name of Jake Picard. “Uncle” went yellow suspect and I was about to uncloak and eat “Uncles” Navy Vexor for dinner when something truly AMAZING happened. My screen flashed that “Uncle” had been warp scrambled and I saw a mass of drones headed his way. Seems that the supposedly AFK Miners in Everyshore aren’t as toothless or as AFK as James and CODE think and it seemed to me that the miners have had enough of Goober’s antics.
I proudly present the following KillMail.

To Jake and the other miners involved in that kill. Thank you for the surprise and the laughs I got from watching you kill Falcco’s Vexor. You guys made my night. To my “Code Compliant” P.R. Agent, your fucking fired.

My apologies to Butthurt Miner and others who have asked, but at this time I am unable to restore all the posts that were previously on the blog, but I thought I’d post some of the more popular images I’ve created for Gankerbumping.

Fly Safe High Sec!
Gorila Vengaza

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