Wednesday, August 27, 2014


I log into the game this morning and I've gotten mail over an incident where CODE tried to pull JTClone Ares onto Voice Comms to pull a Bonus Room on him. If your new and don’t know what I'm talking about, certain lowlife CODE members love to get people on Voice Comms and humiliate them. They then release the convos and sit around patting each other on the back for being douche-bags. It’s a juvenile humor I don’t get.

I think I have a solution.

Blackhole Kelly has recently come back to the game and rejoined my corp. I’m thrilled that he’s back.
Code hates him as he once used his alt  Morieli Utrigas to gank a Code Alt flying a Venture. There was uber butthurt on CODE’s side let me assure you. The tears from the Code alt were EPIC. If you go into the Code Faq Chat Channel and look at the Red Pen List. Morieli Utrigas is listed for "TREASON”. Also please note that Ymir din'asen-Qin and icefacoln on the red pen list were members of my Corp at one time. Ymnir was banned within 5 mins the first day the chat room OPENED. (I'm rather proud.)

I believe BHK and I would make great Diplomats for Anti-Ganking. So please, if Code convo’s you or wants to interview you, please refer them to BHK or myself.

Let me share excerpts from a mail I once received about BHK and his antics from a CODE Diplomat. This is why I believe BHK is extremely qualified to be an Anti-Ganking Diplomat.

Sent: 2014.05.10 10:28
To: Gorila Vengaza,  loyalanon,  Pestario Vargas, 

Gorila (Also, CCed to my CEO loyalanon and to Pestario, as he saw all of this tonight and can serve as a witness, as can my logs and the logs of others),
Gorila: Man, totally off character, in a totally RL sense - this dude has got to stop.
He is a shame on all of us.  I'm sure you have received reports to his behavior in public channels tonight, and this is fresh after being banned by CCP for a week for his behavior last time. 
(Please Note: BHK was never banned, CODE just likes to believe that he was as they posted his rants on Imgur trying to get him banned from EVE.I saw the Imgur posts and laughed about it for 3 weeks.)
[05:32:24] Blackhole Kelly > ass shit fuvk fart twat cunt mung
[06:22:51] Blackhole Kelly > DJ suckss moonkey balls and swallows.
[06:42:22] Blackhole Kelly  DJentropy Ovaert is a scamamer he dont know jack shitz
[06:44:45] Blackhole Kelly  DJentropy Ovaert BULLSHIT YOU FUCKING FAIOL
[09:41:06] Blackhole Kelly > please don't tell on me, oh lawdy help meh, he gon tell masa on us!
[09:52:13] Blackhole Kelly > the hall monitor is telling on me guys...Im sooooo busted, maybe I will get a week of detention.
[09:59:06] Blackhole Kelly > I fap, therfore I am
 [10:11:39] Blackhole Kelly  DJentropy Ovaert tell them you went crying to mommy
Dude, this is wrong.

This kind of personal weirdness is beyond strange, and has no place in our game. 

I think with the direction LoyalMoron, AKA RoyalDouchebag has taken CODE by abusing players in Local, BHK would be PERFECT for the Job. Gone are the days where you could post GF in Local without Loyal and CODE shitting up Local Chat.

Speaking of the “Royal Douchebag” I couldn't help but notice hes been down in LowSec tear assing around. 
(Loyal Playing EVE)

I think it’s hilarious. It’s obvious his ego is badly bruised and butthurt over the Tourney and he’s down there trying to prove he can PVP. I hope he stays.

Interesting note: No Post on Tuesday for Minerbumping. They running out of things to DENY??

Fly Safe Highsec!


  1. I will vote Gorila Vengaza for CSM 10

  2. "please don't tell on me, oh lawdy help meh, he gon tell masa on us!" - So you really want someone who spouts racial bullshit like this to be your diplomat?

  3. dirwulf is obvious loyal alt or some equally dumb narrow mined moron

    Gorila makes a great Diplomat, he intelligent, honest, open minded, helpful and very respected.

    Compare that to Starfox and DJentropy, both are outright liars, they like to belittle everyone and won't admit anything.

    Gorila for President!!

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