Friday, August 22, 2014

Minerbumping Fiction.

Much to my surprise responded very quickly to CCP banning them from The Alliance Tourney.(click here) A word of warning if you head over to MB to read the post; put on your hip waders. The BS is pretty damn deep. After the posting on MB last night I've been getting reports that CCP Devs are in Kino flying around the station where James 315 stays perma-docked. CCP is reported to be flying Butterfly Nets armed with cannons that fire straightjackets as they wish the capture and study the most delusional player in all of EVE history.

The writer of MB starts the post by coming out of the gate all bolster and bravado claiming another Code victory but the post quickly develops into a tear soaked mess crying about the actions taken by other Alliances in past Tourneys. What “James” fails to do is so much as approach the actions taken by his “A Number One” butt kisser LoyalMoron AKA RoyalDouchebag (pictured below)

If you weren’t aware, LoyalMoron (pictured above) started bragging about getting paid off to throw the tourney. Screen shots of Loyal bragging even made Evenews24.

I personally think “James” has gone completely off the deep end.  If you’re new to Gankerbumping you should know that several months ago Special Correspondent Butthurt Miner infiltrated Code headquarters and learned that James 315 actually eats the frozen corpses of New Eden Citizens. It seems that eating those corpses causes James' butt to glow with a very weird radiation that dulls the mind of his followers and causes them to kiss his butt given any occasion. I recently discovered new evidence showing that the weird radiation from James glowing ass has increased to such a degree that his entire bottom half has passed beyond the visible spectrum of light and is now invisible to human eyes.

Yes. It’s weird, but we are talking about CODE. I’m sure James 315 enjoys his followers groping around trying to find his ass so they can kiss it. I URGE all High Sec New Eden citizens to buy Goggles or put on sunglasses to protect your eyes from the strange mind numbing radiation James’ rear end is emitting. (It’s why I wear a Hood AND Goggles.)

Fly Safe High Sec!


  1. Pants on the Ground
    Pants on the Ground

    Lookin' like a fool
    With your pants on the Ground
    With the gold in your mouth
    Hat turned sideways
    Pants hit the ground

    Call yourself a cool cat
    With your pants on the ground

    Walkin' downtown with your pants on the ground!

    Hey! Get your pants off the ground!
    Lookin like a fool!
    Walkin' talkin' with your pants on the ground!

    Hey! Get your pants off the ground!
    Lookin' like a fool
    With your pants on the Ground
    With the gold in your mouth
    Hat turned sideways
    Call yourself a cool cat

    Pants on the ground!

  2. That was pretty good about the glowing ass of James 315 passing beyond the visible spectrum.

  3. Love the new website. Glad to see your still fighting the good fight!


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