Sunday, August 31, 2014

Uedama After Action Report

Last night CODE was hitting Uedama again and sadly I was sitting in station at a trade hub as I am decced by Termites again.. er I mean Marmites. Damn CCP for that 24 hour CEO timer.

So I sent Butthurt Miner down to Uedama and he’s come back with a hell of story and exclusive pictures.

I am proud to report AG was in Uedama with a 15 man fleet repping freighters and killing code. They were also killing the freighter wrecks denying Code the loot. I’ll be honest, it’s hard as hell to save an AFK freighter but at least CODE couldn’t scoop the loot. I have to salute the AG fleet as most of those guys started out as Miners. I’m proud as hell of what you guys are doing.

The best part of the night happened when Chihuahua Soprano was mouthing off in local as usual going suspect and daring people to shoot him while flying a Navy Omen. If you aren’t aware Chihuahua Soprano is the Alt of LoyalMoron. Varus Vindicti and crew stepped up and gave Chihuahua Soprano exactly what he was asking for…
Varus and Crew,  The Antichrist of HighSec Salutes all  you, job well done. Considering Varus had no less than 6 active war dec’s and he still showed up and gave the Code Monkeys HELL, I am all kinds of awe struck.

LoyalMoron had the following to say right before he Rage Logged after losing his Navy Omen…
Fly Safe High Sec!

Wednesday, August 27, 2014


I log into the game this morning and I've gotten mail over an incident where CODE tried to pull JTClone Ares onto Voice Comms to pull a Bonus Room on him. If your new and don’t know what I'm talking about, certain lowlife CODE members love to get people on Voice Comms and humiliate them. They then release the convos and sit around patting each other on the back for being douche-bags. It’s a juvenile humor I don’t get.

I think I have a solution.

Blackhole Kelly has recently come back to the game and rejoined my corp. I’m thrilled that he’s back.
Code hates him as he once used his alt  Morieli Utrigas to gank a Code Alt flying a Venture. There was uber butthurt on CODE’s side let me assure you. The tears from the Code alt were EPIC. If you go into the Code Faq Chat Channel and look at the Red Pen List. Morieli Utrigas is listed for "TREASON”. Also please note that Ymir din'asen-Qin and icefacoln on the red pen list were members of my Corp at one time. Ymnir was banned within 5 mins the first day the chat room OPENED. (I'm rather proud.)

I believe BHK and I would make great Diplomats for Anti-Ganking. So please, if Code convo’s you or wants to interview you, please refer them to BHK or myself.

Let me share excerpts from a mail I once received about BHK and his antics from a CODE Diplomat. This is why I believe BHK is extremely qualified to be an Anti-Ganking Diplomat.

Sent: 2014.05.10 10:28
To: Gorila Vengaza,  loyalanon,  Pestario Vargas, 

Gorila (Also, CCed to my CEO loyalanon and to Pestario, as he saw all of this tonight and can serve as a witness, as can my logs and the logs of others),
Gorila: Man, totally off character, in a totally RL sense - this dude has got to stop.
He is a shame on all of us.  I'm sure you have received reports to his behavior in public channels tonight, and this is fresh after being banned by CCP for a week for his behavior last time. 
(Please Note: BHK was never banned, CODE just likes to believe that he was as they posted his rants on Imgur trying to get him banned from EVE.I saw the Imgur posts and laughed about it for 3 weeks.)
[05:32:24] Blackhole Kelly > ass shit fuvk fart twat cunt mung
[06:22:51] Blackhole Kelly > DJ suckss moonkey balls and swallows.
[06:42:22] Blackhole Kelly  DJentropy Ovaert is a scamamer he dont know jack shitz
[06:44:45] Blackhole Kelly  DJentropy Ovaert BULLSHIT YOU FUCKING FAIOL
[09:41:06] Blackhole Kelly > please don't tell on me, oh lawdy help meh, he gon tell masa on us!
[09:52:13] Blackhole Kelly > the hall monitor is telling on me guys...Im sooooo busted, maybe I will get a week of detention.
[09:59:06] Blackhole Kelly > I fap, therfore I am
 [10:11:39] Blackhole Kelly  DJentropy Ovaert tell them you went crying to mommy
Dude, this is wrong.

This kind of personal weirdness is beyond strange, and has no place in our game. 

I think with the direction LoyalMoron, AKA RoyalDouchebag has taken CODE by abusing players in Local, BHK would be PERFECT for the Job. Gone are the days where you could post GF in Local without Loyal and CODE shitting up Local Chat.

Speaking of the “Royal Douchebag” I couldn't help but notice hes been down in LowSec tear assing around. 
(Loyal Playing EVE)

I think it’s hilarious. It’s obvious his ego is badly bruised and butthurt over the Tourney and he’s down there trying to prove he can PVP. I hope he stays.

Interesting note: No Post on Tuesday for Minerbumping. They running out of things to DENY??

Fly Safe Highsec!

Friday, August 22, 2014

Minerbumping Fiction.

Much to my surprise responded very quickly to CCP banning them from The Alliance Tourney.(click here) A word of warning if you head over to MB to read the post; put on your hip waders. The BS is pretty damn deep. After the posting on MB last night I've been getting reports that CCP Devs are in Kino flying around the station where James 315 stays perma-docked. CCP is reported to be flying Butterfly Nets armed with cannons that fire straightjackets as they wish the capture and study the most delusional player in all of EVE history.

The writer of MB starts the post by coming out of the gate all bolster and bravado claiming another Code victory but the post quickly develops into a tear soaked mess crying about the actions taken by other Alliances in past Tourneys. What “James” fails to do is so much as approach the actions taken by his “A Number One” butt kisser LoyalMoron AKA RoyalDouchebag (pictured below)

If you weren’t aware, LoyalMoron (pictured above) started bragging about getting paid off to throw the tourney. Screen shots of Loyal bragging even made Evenews24.

I personally think “James” has gone completely off the deep end.  If you’re new to Gankerbumping you should know that several months ago Special Correspondent Butthurt Miner infiltrated Code headquarters and learned that James 315 actually eats the frozen corpses of New Eden Citizens. It seems that eating those corpses causes James' butt to glow with a very weird radiation that dulls the mind of his followers and causes them to kiss his butt given any occasion. I recently discovered new evidence showing that the weird radiation from James glowing ass has increased to such a degree that his entire bottom half has passed beyond the visible spectrum of light and is now invisible to human eyes.

Yes. It’s weird, but we are talking about CODE. I’m sure James 315 enjoys his followers groping around trying to find his ass so they can kiss it. I URGE all High Sec New Eden citizens to buy Goggles or put on sunglasses to protect your eyes from the strange mind numbing radiation James’ rear end is emitting. (It’s why I wear a Hood AND Goggles.)

Fly Safe High Sec!

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Code’s Failapalooza 2014

Everyone has been talking about this year’s Alliance Tournament as James 315’s CODE Alliance entered. Like everyone one else I was curious to see what happened as I figured the ONLY way CODE could win was if CODE’s opponents warped to the field of battle in Mining fit Retrievers and went AFK.

I logged in at 18:10 today to watch the fireworks that were to start at 18:20 between Code VS RVB. At 18:22 CCP announced that CODE had forfeited the Tournament!

Seems RVB blue did exactly as I would have done and banned CODE from using Talos and Catalysts. Why CODE didn’t have any other ship to field you ask? LOL. Hell if I know, But  think about it, what else would they fly? (for Tournament Rules please click here)

It seems that CODE’s Tournament FC got pissed about RVB's choice and the entire CODE team refused to talk to CCP and rage logged. I would like for all of you in the AG community to stand up and repeat after me…(all together now)  Code just got REKT!!!!!

Just to highlight CODE’s ineptitude I would also like to Link THIS. Its from the EVE reddit community. ROFLMAO!

I dropped into Minerbumping Chat after the tourney and caught one of CODE’s biggest mouthpieces spouting off.

Oh really Jerry? The next image shows the Tourney brackets with the WINNERS listed in GREEN.

I fully expect the next Blog post on Minerbumping to be James 315 and Erotica 1’s tears of both of them blaming Ripard Teg for everything....
(E1 crying to James)
Code tears? BEST fucking tears!
Fly Safe High Sec!

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Weekend Edition

First, Sorry for taking so long to update. Right now looks like the weekends may be the only time I have to update the blog so please bear with me. I just saw that some asshat named “Code Compliant” comment on the Minorhumping blog that I've left the game. I didn't know that I hired that moron to be my Public Relations Agent…But let’s get started.

Guybertini is a Code Monkey who has been featured on Minerbumping in the past. James 315 even once wrote “Guybertini is a good guy”. As we all know that if James’ mouth is moving he is LYING, so take James’ statement how you will. If you are familiar with the Everyshore region you know “Goobertini” VERY well. It seems Goober’s mom lets him out of his cage every night around 1:00 eve time and he undocks and starts torturing the poor unarmed mining barges in Everyshore  for 3 to 4 hours a day, 7 days a week.

I just happened to be in Everyshore last week sitting cloaked in an ice field playing “Bush Ninja”when the damnest thing happened. Goober had his Alt “Uncle Flacco” in the ice field trying to torture a new player by the name of Jake Picard. “Uncle” went yellow suspect and I was about to uncloak and eat “Uncles” Navy Vexor for dinner when something truly AMAZING happened. My screen flashed that “Uncle” had been warp scrambled and I saw a mass of drones headed his way. Seems that the supposedly AFK Miners in Everyshore aren’t as toothless or as AFK as James and CODE think and it seemed to me that the miners have had enough of Goober’s antics.
I proudly present the following KillMail.

To Jake and the other miners involved in that kill. Thank you for the surprise and the laughs I got from watching you kill Falcco’s Vexor. You guys made my night. To my “Code Compliant” P.R. Agent, your fucking fired.

My apologies to Butthurt Miner and others who have asked, but at this time I am unable to restore all the posts that were previously on the blog, but I thought I’d post some of the more popular images I’ve created for Gankerbumping.

Fly Safe High Sec!
Gorila Vengaza

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Propaganda Done Right...

I felt it was time to roll out some new propaganda posters that tell the TRUTH about CODE. 

So once again I found some old World War Two posters and "fixed " them.

Restraint and Integrity???

Welcome back to Gankerbumping. It’s would seem that CODE considers me shutting down my blog as a “Victory”. Well, FUCK THAT because everyone in High Sec knows a CODE “Victory” means lies, a ton of deceit, driving players from the game and NO human compassion. Over the past couple of months I've seen CODE members claim they are winning Eve. It’s like watching a 17 year old who can’t get out of the 2rd grade strutting around the playground picking on smaller kids and patting himself on the back for being a douchebag. It’s ridiculous and damn sad.

I refuse to let CODE dictate to me how and when I’ll play the game.

James is claiming the following on Minerbumping:  “I am continually impressed by the measured restraint and integrity shown each and every day by New Order Agents.

Oh really James? The rest of us are “often repulsed by the lack of restraint and absolute lack of integrity shown each and every day by New Order Agents."

Case in point; I landed in Uedama to shoot CODE last night and Conference Elite member Zane Arnolles used his alt Ricky Estemaire to troll me about a personal loss. Several surprisingly “new” toons appeared in local to do the same. So much for the integrity James is claiming his agents have.

Something I thought I should share. I received an eve mail from one of the Code Diplomats. Here’s 2 paragraph’s I think you should see.

At this time DJ and I realized we couldn't work out any sort of compromise. Our efforts were in vain and whatever relationship we tried to have with the WK community had demised. We also determined players shouldn't be held responsible to police other player’s comments anyway; all communities included shouldn't be held responsible, not just NO. With that said, it was a mistake for us to try and have Gorila police Fallen and likewise it was a mistake that Gorila agreed and attempted to police Fallen. And, just recently, it was our mistake to try and police Tasku.

We are responsible for our own actions and we are already held accountable through CCP. There will always be random shit talking, we all participate in it and it can be fun, but anything that goes "too far" should be immediately petitioned and placed in the hands of CCP to deal with; that's one of the reasons why CCP is here.

Funny how they say it was a mistake that I AGREED to police Fallen Seal. Let me straighten this out. I agreed to NOTHING.I was given NO choice about Fallen. Code and its supporters tried to crucify me at every turn over fallen seals actions. From where I stand the above is just more CODE hypocrisy.

I will be using CCP to file petitions from now on. I’m asking the AG Community to no longer respond to any of Code’s tasteless taunts in local. Just submit petitions over any action you believe violates the EULA. It’s what I’ll be doing. The ONLY thing I posted last night in local was a link which I titled “Gorilas message to Loyalmoron”. The link is HERE.

The following got posted at me last night in local as well.

I found it rather amusing. What I did find surprising was how honest Code was being with the image when I noticed this..

To the pilots who showed in Uedama last night to shoot CODE I have to say thanks. I can honestly say CODE's ganking operations didn't go as they planned. They also called it quits rather early. I'm sure those fools will claim we had nothing to do with it, but as everyone knows... CODE LIES.

Fly Safe High Sec.

Fly Safe High Sec.

Look what I found sitting in my eve mailbox ....

From: Loyalanon
Sent: 8/9/2014 4:39:00 PM
Hi Guys,
As you are probably aware - Vengaza is back and most likely going to whine about the NO/Code in anyway possible.
Just be mindful of what you say in Local etc as he will use anything against you to try and get you banned - he tried on me and failed so whatever.
Just remember and I quote Vengaza Directly -
- Everyone has an entitlement to an opinion
- There exists free speech
So saying that, if you want to make him cry then by all means do it.
I personally wont be saying anything in local unless he says anything but we will see.
Let the tears begin.

Guess loyal isn’t as beloved by his fellow gankers as he thinks. Could it be his toxic personality? Maybe it’s because he runs his mouth before he thinks?

Yes, everyone has an entitlement to an opinion. Don’t forget some “Anonymous” poster said crap about loyal’s kids. I said NOTHING about loyals kids. But as usual loyal will do anything to smear antiganking and myself. Lying is second nature to him.


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