Sunday, October 5, 2014

Call to Anti-Ganking

Sorry for the length between updates…But we’ll hit a couple of topics with this post.

As you may or may not know, CODE is ganking freighters again; they hit Uedama last night with record numbers. But I’ll get to that in a min.

Anti-Ganking responded and I’m happy to report we did save one Obelisk CODE tried to gank. CODE took it down to 25% structure.

We got the Obelisk back to 100% and it got to the gate before CODE could land another gank fleet on it. I think the AFK bastard driving it had no clue what was going on…

I want to give all of AG a heads up.

My inside sources are telling me the past 2 nights of ganking is just the beginning. It seems The Mitanni aka Mittens is pissed with CCP’s announced changes to null and he wants GOONS to burn Highsec and all of EVE. That explains the number of Goons flying with CODE now and hitting Uedama.

My question to Mitten’s would be “ If we burn EVE, then wtf are we gonna play?”

I knew the nullsec bears would be upset when I saw the planned changes. I’m curious to see where and how it goes. Personally I wish CCP would go back to adding content like wormhole lore and forget about balancing every damn thing in game and beating my fav ships to death with a nerf bat.

I noticed on Minerbumping that once again the writers are trying to portray everyone in AG as TOXIC. CODE and James 315 refuse to admit that Anti-Ganking gets CODE victims and they can be angry after how CODE has trolled them. Minerbumping is trying to make Kalynn Shardani look bad with a recent post. More spin as usual. A lot of people don’t know that Kalynn works behind the scenes in AG and doesn’t get the spotlight she deserves. I want to share a mail I got a while back.
SO CODE is fair and balanced like Fox News huh?  Here's another Mail I'd like to share.

For those wondering, I dropped an alt in MB the other night, identified myself and was having a decent convo with some of CODE when I got kicked for no reason. Now remind me how Minerbumping calls AG paranoid and toxic?

Last but not least we managed to get one more video of James 315 undocking in Kino again.

Fly Safe HighSec!



    I found a picture of me

  2. Wolf aka lowmoron, that isn't suitable but you are totally delusional so we wouldn't expect anything else.

    Since you can't pvp and are so cowardly that you can only shoot at unarmed ships then I found a better one for you -


  3. Both Minerbumping and Gankerbumping are great sources of entertainment and content creation. It's a shame that Beers Veldspar just doesn't get it.

    Thanks for making High-Sec fun, both of your groups!

  4. I have been tied up the last few days IRL with a couple of those hard hitting math classes, so I haven't been my usual trolling self. However, with the highsec martyrs part 2, all I have to say is good riddance to bad rubbish. The people that were banned were not innocent by any means.

    Thanks for the heads up on the goons. I'll forward it to my fleet commander.

  5. Anti-Ganking responded and I’m happy to report we did save one Obelisk CODE tried to gank. CODE took it down to 25% structure.

    This made me lol.

    Are you guys even trying anymore?

    1. Bigger question - wolf aka lowmoron are you ever going to stop being a coward and do some real PVP? Just asking because you are getting more and more lame and are now becoming an embarrassment.

  6. #EVEBreakingNews
    CODE. Having Difficulty Finding GankBot-Aspirant Recruits For High-Sec Jihad

    Hailama, The Citadel — Frustrating the extremist group’s efforts to bolster its ranks and expand its influence in High-Sec, representatives for CODE. told reporters Wednesday that they have so far encountered considerable difficulty in finding suicide recruits for High-Sec jihad.

    “We’ve been in communication with a number of capsuleers who are eager to join our holy crusade, but unfortunately, not one of them could be brainwashed to effectively wage war against High-Sec,” said CODE. operative Brother Roland, pointing to a general tendency of 'thinking-too-much' among the hundreds of potential capsuleer recruits, as well as a disturbing lack of psychological ailments and lack of dependencies on a variety of ADD, bipolar, and schizophrenia medications (aka boosters) that preclude these would-be High-Sec jihadists from assisting in the establishment of a High-Sec CODE. caliphate.

    “Even though these people are enthusiastic about repeated righteous martyrdom, I honestly don’t see most of them chanting the same phrase repeatedly all day, let alone grinding for 16 hours - undocking; exploding; fleeing; undocking; exploding; fleeing... The thing is, we can’t inflict terror into the hearts of the High-Sec masses if our fighters ever notice we just failed to gank a freighter. And especially so, if Wolf Soprano gets ganked in his Navy Omen, and has to herp-derp his way back to Lai Dai station in his pod.”

    Roland added that CODE.’s best course of action was to offer heavy medication to its new operatives to continue terrorizing High-Sec in hopes of eventually bankrupting New Eden's economy.

    1. Ha ha! You guys are hilarious! Good to see you're not sore losers, well... except for Butthurt. I heard he was still a little sore. :p

      - BR

    2. LMAO - yes mockery is the best answer to code - they conveniently forget that they aren't actually engaging in any real pvp and are doing all this aimless running around for nothing because they are all being used.

      It for certain that mittani and james 315 care nothing about a lame ganker, all they are doing is looking to enhance their influence in the game and rewards out of the game from website endorsements etc.

      I wonder to myself how stupid idiots like loyalamoron will feel when they figure out they spent all that time and the end result will be absolutely nothing for them.

  7. Gorila-
    Your probably going to pull this post, I expect it. Just want to thank you, or whichever minion of yours that outed me. Carebear backstabbing, that is one thing I'm not going to miss. James 315 was right about you.

    Kalynn Shardani- You where never at my eye level. If you had been you would have gotten your hands dirty. It warms my heart to know that every carebear that I gank you will send them an email helping them get Code compliant. Know that whenever I gank a venture I'm thinking of you. I'll make sure they get posted in zkillboard just for you. Muster up some courage for your convictions and unblock me.

    LMAO! That was great. I expected some hatemail from my former friends over at AG but not from someone I've never met but who claims to be a vet! So you never heard of me, who the fuck cares! I really don't care, I never did anything for any sort of wacked out personal glory. I did what I thought was right. I helped where I thought I was needed.

    If you want to make a difference you have to DO something. The fate of the game will be decided by those who show up, so my question is, where were you bra? Where were you when I was looking for PVPr's to help the cause? Where were you when we were neck deep in wardecs? Where were you when I was plexing to keep our ship replacement program afloat? Where were you Mr. PVP?

    I know, let's look at your killboard:

    Feb: The Battle for Isanamo... good.
    Mar: Nullsec
    Apr: Nullsec
    May: Nullsec
    June: Nullsec
    July: Nullsec
    Aug: Nullsec
    Sep: Isanamo again for a bit, and some null...
    Oct: A vexor in HighSec, not Code...

    The New Order believes that, in order to save EVE as a game, the carebears need to be woken up to the PVP that is unique to EVE, help them make the transition to Star Citizen or Star Trek Online, or at the very least push them into Nullsec...

    So it looks like CODE won in your case. \o/

    I don't care if you unblock me or not. I have no time for cowards that are all talk. Plus what kind of newb war decs a ganker corp? I've been podded twice already and guess what? Still here. Still fighting for what I believe in. Take your fancy and empty titles and go back to Null. Coward.

    - Xan Staraider
    Enforcer for the New Order

    1. Such lovely tears from a CODEbot moron. You have disappointed me. I had faith in you. I thought you would be different. Alas, it seems that my faith was misplaced. We told you not to drink Jimmy's koolaid, we told you not to stare at Jimmy's glowing ass. Now look at you. Another impotent code member who lives in his parent's basement trying to have a meaningful relationship with a catholic priest.

  8. Looks like someone is very ANGRY and brainwashed and those salty miserable ganker TEARS - LOL

    Anyone knows anything about Xan will know he was a complete failure, he got his ass handed to him by everyone so he is useless at PVP and was just someone with a big mouth (as you can see here). Now we see the depth of his uselessness in a wall of text madness which proves he has several screws loose LMAO - Give me MOAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Nice spin. No, not angry. Just ready to kick ass and take names. Laters o/

  10. Oh we so scared - a complete failure with a mental problems is gonna gank someone - that doesn't sound familiar ROFLMAO

  11. Pull your post? Nah. Not when I can make code look ridiculous as I’m about to do to you.

    Just for the record. I ousted you. Yep, it was me. When you sent me your eve mail about you plans I said fine, it’s kind of dumb but if that’s how he wants to play the game, so be it. I also decided to stay out of it and I’ll explain why I stayed out of it in a min.

    I had hoped you would be smart about getting into code but what did you do? You went to a system full of noobs and started killing newbros in the name of James 315. Even Cannibal Kane posted on Minerbumping he had a problem with it when you got featured.

    I’ve also had my eyes on you the entire time and said nothing. I’ve watched you feed Intel to CODE in the Minerbumping chat channel that you didn’t need to feed them. Info you could have left out. I saw you do it several times and to me it looked like exactly what I figured would happen; You’d end up all CODE and nothing would be accomplished by your plans

    Now let’s get to why I stay out of your plans. In the very beginning you came to my guys with your “plans” of corps and alliance’s. As older players we tried to tell you “its stupid”. We TRIED to tell you that with the numbers CODE and James has you’re only making yourself a target and that’s why we stayed out of it. But you went ahead and did it anyway… and what happened? EXACTLY WHAT WE SAID WOULD HAPPEN.

    Then your kid flushed your toons and billions of isk your alliance had or whatever the fuck happened and you wonder why NO ONE takes you seriously and jumps on board when you have a plan?

    You just stay in code, I tried to get them to take you MONTHS ago.


  12. Mmmm lets see since Xan 'the Failure' feels it necessary to criticize others so lets look at his 'glorious' run as a white knight (spoiler alert - prepare to spit out food or drink with extreme laughter)

    Total Kills 5 (all assists) Total Losses (obligatory drum roll) 10
    Destroyed 158 Mill - Losses (ain't this a suprise) 221 Mill

    So there we have it, Xan achieved nothing and was nothing but a big loudmouth.
    He became a ganker because he tried pvp and realized he was useless at it and we all know that when that becomes reality then your only option is to fire on people who can't shoot back like all the other cowards he now embraces.

    Keep up the bullshit talk Xan, that's all you have now and we need someone to laugh at :)

  13. Procurathon 2014 - Empire Space Is Worth Fighting For

    Beginning in November, carebears of Eve will unite, and take to the belts

    with Procurers and Skiffs.

    Retrievers, Mackinaws, Hulks and Covetors will be docked up.

    - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Procurathon in November.
    Empire Space is Worth Fighting For.

    Spread the word...


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